Monday 1 October 2012


Hey all,

You know my love for greens, and when I saw these two micro-mini planters on my visit to Dilli Haat few months back.... I knew then and there that they were going home with me. It was love at first sight for me. These looked damn cute and were super cheap...20 bucks each... But later I thought why did I bought only 2 of these.....I mean I should have bought atleast 10 of these in different colors. Anywhooo, I bought these in maroon and bottle green colour, but due to watering the color got faded. It was looking dull so I just wrapped it in jute. These two usually sits outside, but occasionally finds a place inside the house....Have a look.



Love this elephant... actually there are total of 6 elephants in here
(four walking near the feet on both the sides,and one baby elephant sitting inside the jaali and one big one).
This wooden carved elephant is also a cheap find.
Hope you enjoyed the pics.




  1. oh my gosh.. .How stunning... Your blog.. and home look gorgeous.. How did I not find your blog before... !!

    Thank you for joining the Weekly Story @ Colours Dekor :) Hope you have a fabulous week ahead..

  2. Wow lovely idea I must give it a try. and nice blog too I very much enjoyed my visit here


Hey thanks for being here!! Lets chit-chat!!