Sunday 19 May 2013

When life gives you lemons!!!!

Or may be something else;). Well, this season, we are reaping the fruits of what we had sown last season. LEMONS IT IS. Last season we got home two small plants of lemons (different types) and got them planted in the backyard. Its just been a year and we are getting gorgeous lemons. Though they are still green in color but still looks so pretty. The gardener says it will take another month or two for them to change color. 
Have a lookie of these gorgeous citrus!
                                                          The very first type of lemons.

                              Ohhh, and these are small narangis growing in our front garden.

                                                 See these gorgeous narangis in this post.

This is the second variety of lemons.

We are surrounded by citrus from all around. Will be surely having many more glasses of lemonade now....yeaah.
On another note, these can also be very defensive. If not lemonades, these can be used for another purpose too. See the picture below.

Hahaha, when life gives you lemons, NO ONE MESSES WITH YOU!!!!!

P.S. This post is so in sync with my blog's background.

                                                                          MUCH LOVE



  1. Ahhaaa.. lucky you to have lemons growing in your backyard in such hot weather. Glasses of lemonade back-to-back... the mere thought is so refreshing!!

    And yes, I did notice the theme of your blog and thought the same :D

  2. Wow....I bet in hot weather lemonade with this lemons must be very refreshing...

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